Do you wear a mask?

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Do you wear a mask?

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Do you wear a mask?

Post by cprice12 »

Would be great if this could be kept civil, as this topic has enraged some people.
But do you wear a mask? And why or why not?
The scientific/medical community recommends masks, but not to necessarily protect yourself, but to protect others. The thinking is that if everyone wears a mask, then everyone is being protected to some degree by the actions of everyone else. Masks aren't 100% effective, far from is said that they're somewhat effective (depending on the mask type). So the idea is that wearing a mask is better than not wearing a mask because wearing a mask helps reduce the spread. It won't PREVENT the spread (as nothing is 100% effective), but it can reduce it. Kind of like seat belts or condoms, in a way. Anyway, that's what is being said.
Some are adamant that masks are harmful.
Some are adamant that masks are useless.
Some are adamant that masks are necessary.
Many businesses are requiring masks before you enter.
The mask recommendations have changed since the pandemic started, which probably hasn't helped with everyone being on the same page.
It also seems that a lot of the "mask or no mask" debate has been political...which is super weird to me. I'm not sure why politics would factor in.
But getting a civil discussion going on your thoughts on masks might be interesting.
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Re: Do you wear a mask?

Post by glen a richter »

I wear them in stores if I'm in an aisle with other people, but since it's hitting 90 degrees now with 100000% humidity, it gets very uncomfortable so I take it down when I'm not near anyone else.

I find the whole argument about our Constitutional right of freedom to not wear one to be absurd. If we want to make the argument that we're free to decide whether or not to wear a mask then you can extend that to literally anything--we're free to decide whether or not to wear a seatbelt, smoke pot, wave confederate flags, and so on. If the issue is Constitutional rights, then people on both the left and the right would be forced to make concessions they don't want to make about areas where the government can and can't control freedom otherwise it's just a bunch of people being hypocritical, basically saying freedom is cool as long as it's something I think you should be free to do.
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