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NHL 09 or NHL 2K9?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:40 pm
by ViPeRx007
I see a lot of NHL 09 talk around here but not much about 2K9. What's the scoop on these? I haven't really gotten into either yet. I'm too busy getting my ass handed to me on Madden 09 with "My Skill"....load of crap that is.

Re: NHL 09 or NHL 2K9?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:58 am
by stlmark
I haven't played NHL 2K9, but I do have NHL 09. The game is amazing. The hitting, the skill stick and everything else is just awesome. Of course, last year I had NHL 08 for PS2 and I just recently bought XBOX 360 along with NHL 09. So of course I'm going to think it's amazing compared to the PS2 version.

Re: NHL 09 or NHL 2K9?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:23 am
by Mark
I've got them both for the Xbox 360.

For a truer hockey experience and better gameplay, I think I prefer NHL 2k9. The players simply feel more like their real life counterparts. And more importantly, their roles seem more defined. And their individual skills ad more clearly represented. It feels like there's a much bigger difference between Manny Malhotra and Alexander Ovechkin in 2k9 than there is in 09.

For sheer fun, I think I prefer NHL 09. It's faster, louder and better looking. It's the addictive sort of sports title that I can go and my non-hockey fan friends are going to want to play because the gameplay is fun. I can't say the same thing with 2k9 because most of my friends would immediately be somewhat turned off because of the graphics.

Both titles aren't perfect.

NHL 2k9 has some buggy problems. This should have been expected considering Visual Concepts had a whopping three or four months to develop the title. Penalties are probably my biggest grip with the title. It's a problem both online and offline where there's not enough variance in the calls. Tripping call. Tripping call. Tripping call. Get used to it because it happens far too often. And so far, the sliders don't seem to help out too much.

NHL 09's main problem is its biggest selling point. Be A Pro mode is essentially the most overrated feature in any sports title that I can remember. The problem? It feels scripted and it's boring. Don't get me wrong, it's a great idea but this first iteration is far from perfect. If you don't mind watching the computer play, maybe you won't mind Be A Pro. It bored and annoyed me to death. I think in the 15 games or so that I've played (as a grinder), I've only been able to rack up a couple of points, and (I kid you not) my computer controlled teammates have managed to rack up -- 1 -- goal.

One other thing that is kinda stupid but really sticks out about both titles in my mind is the fighting systems. For years, EA has had a better fighting system in my mind. This year, roles have reversed. 2k9's got the best fighting system I've ever seen in a game. It's throws balance into the mix as something you have to deal with aside from just worrying about your health bar. Meanwhile, I've got no idea what EA was thinking with their fighting system. It's horrible. It cannot be defended as being the slightest bit good. It might actually be the worst fighting system in any hockey game ever. I had no idea what to expect from it until I got into that first fight. My only reaction was, "are you serious?"

Overall, I think we're blessed this year with two good hockey titles. I don't think you could go wrong either way. If you cannot get over the quality of the graphics then avoiding 2k9 might be the thing to do. As I said though, I do prefer 2k9's gameplay. I'm not really ready to judge what I think is actually the better game. Both games could probably use some patching, and I look forward to seeing how much roster updating VC and EA does. Those two things really count a lot in my mind.

Re: NHL 09 or NHL 2K9?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:27 am
by Mellanby_equals_grit
I know the fighting in the 09 demo was god awful.. Never lasted more than 5 seconds.. Just mash it, get two punches off, and it's over.

Re: NHL 09 or NHL 2K9?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:58 pm
by WaukeeBlues
Mark- if you'll humor me, I got NHL 08 last year and despised it for a plethora of reasons- just wondering if the things that piss me off are changed in the newer game or still suck and if 2k9 is better.

* I agree the fighting engine with the NHL series is godawful so you answered my question already with that one

* Whats the soundtracks like? I had to create my own by uploading my own music because the NHL 08 soundtrack sounded like something I would expect to hear at a Toys R' Us or something.

* Is the print on the screen micro-tiny? In NHL 08 you can't even read the shit from more than 5 feet away from the TV.

*What are the stat trackings in dynasty mode like? I NHL 08 they keep track for like 5 years then drop off the lowest year. IIRC, in the 2k series they keep it rolling which is fun when you have your own player you create. Same in NHL 08 with the awards- only get to see the last like 5 Cup winners and when you're playing a 20 season fantasy mode, that gets annoying.

*NHL series still have that skill-stick feature? that was one of the very few things about the NHL 08 game that I really liked.

*Also in dynasty mode, do the players you NOT resign stay on your roster even though you didn't re-sign them? This happened in NHL 08... no idea why... I restarted like 3 franchises and this always happened- which took all the fun out of the offseason and forced me to trade guys to make room on my roster so I could even draft guys.

* Do you have to go through 50 screens in either game to bring a guy up to the minors and get him on a line? In NHL 08 it was about a 5 minute process to scratch someone and replace him with another player. Very annoying.

... I think I'm done. Thanks

Re: NHL 09 or NHL 2K9?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:58 pm
by Mark
* I agree the fighting engine with the NHL series is godawful so you answered my question already with that one
Again, the 2k series has a HUGE leg up in this department.
* Whats the soundtracks like? I had to create my own by uploading my own music because the NHL 08 soundtrack sounded like something I would expect to hear at a Toys R' Us or something.
The default soundtracks for both games are just sorta meh. NHL 09 probably has a little better variety, whereas 2k9's full of punk. Neither really fit the sport. You can of course upload your own tracks in both games. It's pretty broken in 2k9 for now. I suppose they'll patch it. I'm sure if Kush Games (I'm so glad they're gone) managed to release a patch (and they're lazy asses) that VC will follow through. I haven't played with the custom soundtracks yet on NHL 09. And is this a new feature of the NHL series on consoles? I don't recall seeing it before.
* Is the print on the screen micro-tiny? In NHL 08 you can't even read the shit from more than 5 feet away from the TV.
The print is pretty good on both games. I've only got a 30" TV and I'm not having to squint anymore. It could still be better, but it is improved.
*What are the stat trackings in dynasty mode like? I NHL 08 they keep track for like 5 years then drop off the lowest year. IIRC, in the 2k series they keep it rolling which is fun when you have your own player you create. Same in NHL 08 with the awards- only get to see the last like 5 Cup winners and when you're playing a 20 season fantasy mode, that gets annoying.
I've only played/simmed through one season in both games. Oddly enough, and getting back to my point of the players in 2k9 actually playing like the real players, the St. Louis Blues were MUCH, MUCH better in NHL 09 than in 2k9. As far as stats dropping, I don't know.
*NHL series still have that skill-stick feature? that was one of the very few things about the NHL 08 game that I really liked.
Both games have it. I've never been that fond of it. Something about having to use the left analog to not only control my skates but to aim has always bugged me but I guess there's no way around it.
*Also in dynasty mode, do the players you NOT resign stay on your roster even though you didn't re-sign them? This happened in NHL 08... no idea why... I restarted like 3 franchises and this always happened- which took all the fun out of the offseason and forced me to trade guys to make room on my roster so I could even draft guys.
Nope. I didn't resign Tkachuk after my first seasons when I played the off-season and he was a goner. Oh well.

And it is worth mentioning, but there MIGHT be a franchise bug in 2k9 that will kill your franchise save. Again, it's a might...
* Do you have to go through 50 screens in either game to bring a guy up to the minors and get him on a line? In NHL 08 it was about a 5 minute process to scratch someone and replace him with another player. Very annoying.
NHL 09 is still annoying in this department. 2k9 isn't a whole lot better because there's a lot of backing out of menus and what-not, but it seems a little smoother to get this task completed.
... I think I'm done. Thanks

No problem.

Re: NHL 09 or NHL 2K9?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:35 pm
by abc789987
I bought 2k8 last year for the ps3, maybe played it 5 or 6 times, just could never get into it... maybe i was doing something wrong. maybe 2k9 is better, i don't know.
i bought nhl 09 for the 360 this year, and I love it. much better and easier to get into. i don't like the be the pro thing, way too boring...

as far as the text being small... i don't think they design any game to be played on anything smaller than maybe a 30+ inch tv. i tried playing my 360 on my parents 25 inch tv and gave up after 15 mins, maybe my eyes are just bad...

Re: NHL 09 or NHL 2K9?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:57 pm
by ViPeRx007
abc789987 wrote:I bought 2k8 last year for the ps3, maybe played it 5 or 6 times, just could never get into it... maybe i was doing something wrong. maybe 2k9 is better, i don't know.
i bought nhl 09 for the 360 this year, and I love it. much better and easier to get into. i don't like the be the pro thing, way too boring...

as far as the text being small... i don't think they design any game to be played on anything smaller than maybe a 30+ inch tv. i tried playing my 360 on my parents 25 inch tv and gave up after 15 mins, maybe my eyes are just bad...
Yea they definitely cater to the bigger television demographic, it's not just you. You can't even hardly play certain games on a smaller television if there is too much reading involved.